The number one questions we get asked is “What do I wear for my portraits?” Clothing is so important in the overall feel of your portraits. Below you will find a detailed outline of what to wear for each other sessions that we offer. If you need extra help, don’t hesitate to call us. We will help you find exactly what you are looking for. We may even go pick something up for you if you like!
Most of the time Andrew will photograph newborns with just a diaper cover or all natural. Newborns are so beautiful in their own skin, we hate to cover them up. Hats and little accessories are great to add a little personality and whimsy to your portrait.
-Baby 4m-
Keep clothing very simple. Solid pastel colors work well at this age. Diaper covers and small accessories are also great at this young age. Please stay away from bold prints or patterns, bib-overalls, collars or anything that may ride up on their neck.
-Baby 6-8 months-
Once your baby is sitting up your wardrobe options broaden a bit. BabyLegs are great with a cute onesie, tutus, little dresses and T-shirts are great for little girls. For little boys, we love the little onesies with ties. Just make sure to watch out for collars that ride up and pants that are tight and make it difficult for baby to sit up. Jackie will usually keep the babies barefoot at this age so you can see their cute little feet.
-1 year-
Once your little one is standing or walking they can wear outfits that are more grown up. Bibs are cute for boys, as well as vintage inspired outfits with hats and shoes. Try layering a pattern under a cute jacket or blazer. Gap Kids always has really cute jackets and hats for boys. Girls are cute in fun colors at this stage. Matilda Jane Clothing, Gap Kids, Crewcuts are all great places to shop.
If you would like a babycakes session, just let us know and we will get a mini cake and some balloons for a themed session. We always get a laugh watching the reactions when they eat their cakes. Be prepared to get frosting all over the place! It’s not the cleanest session around!
There are so many options for locations and types of photo shoots once your children are a bit older. We have a portrait park in the back of the studio for those of you who would like a more formal look. We have a pond, gazebo, lots of flowers and different walls and doors. For the garden and more formal look, we suggest pastel colors, dresses, jeans, khakis and a good pair of shoes. Please don’t wear Crocs or character shoes.
For Urban Sessions we will head one block downtown. For these sessions we like fun patterns and colors. Girls: Put on your favorite rain boots, a cute jacket, a petty coat skirt , some fun leggings and you’re ready to go. Boys: Layers-layers-layers! Jeans, t-shirts, vests, jackets, hats. Converse are great shoes for boys. You can get them at Target. They are always timeless and modern.
For Country Sessions: Tall grasses, barns and rusty farm equipment add great textures for photographs. Yes, really! For these sessions I first of all suggest rubber boots, tall boots or chucks. We want to make sure and protect their little legs and feet. Then, really anything goes. Get creative with your outfits and accessories. Bring multiple outfits and we can mix and match things together.
We know how difficult it can be to shop for the whole family. Running here and there to find the perfect outfits for everyone can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips to help you with the process.
-Choose a common base- Jeans in the same wash, khakis, or black pants. They don’t all have to be the exact same style or brand (it’s better if they aren’t, you don’t want to be twins)
-Two main colors- Choose colors that compliment your setting. Wear mainly solid colors. Stay away from bold patterns. If you do wear a pattern, wear something solid over it, such as a jacket or vest.
If you are doing a fall session out in a field, you will want to choose browns, blacks, grays, maroons or camel colors.
For a Beach sessions you can wear blues, whites, khakis, and pastel colors.
-An Accent Color- It's a good contrast to have one additional color along with your two main colors. You still want the accent color to blend and not stand out too much.
For Summer sessions you can wear pretty much any color. The setting will be mostly greenery so choose colors that compliment that. Browns, blues, grays, and pastels work well.